b'City of Dover Tuscarawas County, Ohio Notes to the Basic Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2018 Key methods and assumptions used in the latest actuarial valuation, reflecting experience study results, are presented as follows: Valuation Date January 1, 2017, with actuarial liabilitiesrolled forward to December 31, 2017Actuarial Cost Method Entry Age NormalInvestment Rate of Return 8.0 percentProjected Salary Increases 3.75 percent to 10.5 percentPayroll Growth Inflation rate of 2.75 percent plusproductivity increase rate of 0.5 percentSingle Discount Rate:Currrent Measurement Date 3.24 percentPrior Measurement Date 3.79 percentCost-of-Living Adjustments 3.00 percent simple; 2.2 percent simplefor increases based on the lesser of theincrease in CPI and 3 percent Mortality for non-disabled participants is based on the RP-2014 Total Employee and Healthy Annuitant Mortality Tables rolled back to 2006, adjusted according to the rates in the following table, and projected with the Conduent Modified 2016 Improvement Scale.Rates for surviving beneficiaries are adjusted by 120 percent.Age Police Fire67 or less 77 % 68 %68-77 105 8778 and up 115 120 MortalityfordisabledretireesisbasedontheRP-2014DisabledMortalityTablesrolledbackto2006, adjustedaccordingtotheratesinthefollowingtable,andprojectedwiththeConduentModified2016 Improvement Scale.Age Police Fire59 or less 35 % 35 %60-69 60 4570-79 75 7080 and up 100 90 The most recent experience study was completed for the five year period ended December 31, 2016; the prior experience study was completed December 31, 2011.The OP&F health care plan follows the same asset allocation and long-term expected real rate of return for each major asset class as the pension plan (See Note 15).DiscountRateThetotalOPEBliabilitywascalculatedusingthediscountrateof3.24percent.The projection of cash flows used to determine the discount rate assumed the contribution from employers and frommemberswouldbecomputedbasedoncontributionrequirementsasstipulatedbyStatestatute.Projected inflows from investment earnings were calculated using the longer-term assumed investment rate of return 8 percent.Based on those assumptions, OP&Fs fiduciary net position was projected to not be able - 73 74 -'