b'City of DoverTuscarawas County, OhioCombining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund BalancesNonmajor Governmental FundsFor the Year Ended December 31, 2018Nonmajor Nonmajor TotalSpecial Capital NonmajorRevenue Projects GovernmentalFunds Fund FundsRevenuesProperty Taxes $140,203 $0 $140,203Income Taxes 1,510,193 0 1,510,193Intergovernmental 684,018 79,853 763,871Interest 5,164 63 5,227Fines, Licenses and Permits 803 0 803Charges for Services 529,568 0 529,568Other 9,943 15,293 25,236Total Revenues 2,879,892 95,209 2,975,101ExpendituresCurrent:Security of Persons and Property 690,930 0 690,930Transportation 1,362,899 0 1,362,899Public Health Services 817,447 0 817,447Capital Outlay 0 79,853 79,853Debt Service:Principal Retirement 8,753 0 8,753Interest and Fiscal Charges 9,292 0 9,292Total Expenditures 2,889,321 79,853 2,969,174Net Change in Fund Balances (9,429) 15,356 5,927Fund Balances Beginning of Year 2,265,589 25,489 2,291,078Fund Balances End of Year $2,256,160 $40,845 $2,297,005- 93 -'