b'City of DoverTuscarawas County, OhioChanges in Net Position (continued)Last Ten Years(Accrual Basis of Accounting)2018 (1) 2017 2016 2015 (2)General RevenuesGovernmental ActivitiesTaxes:Property Taxes Levied For:General Purposes $1,623,618 $1,624,958 $889,470 $885,041Police and Fire Pension 140,400 139,231 127,726 131,174Kilowatt per Hour Taxes Levied forGeneral Purposes (3) 707,148 678,961 707,221 717,005Income Taxes levied for:General Purposes 4,027,835 4,217,363 4,826,664 4,693,691Street Maintenance and Repair 599,508 513,677 647,687 632,321Cemetery 378,696 318,691 368,074 289,661Police and Fire Pension 615,566 480,120 504,270 296,468Capital Outlay 1,809,114 1,791,360 2,055,521 1,928,981Grants and Entitlements not Restricted to Specific Programs 477,289 516,440 446,054 441,197Unrestricted Contributions 15,208 14,805 20,616 13,771Investment Earnings217,739 169,451 53,653 25,514Miscellaneous332,865 116,572 249,524 249,906Total Governmental Activities General Revenues10,944,986 10,581,629 10,896,480 10,304,730Business-Type ActivitiesInvestment Earnings33,967 18,386 9,485 1,649Miscellaneous391,864 136,424 77,377 208,514Total Business-Type Activities General Revenues425,831 154,810 86,862 210,163Total Primary Government General Revenues 11,370,817 10,736,439 10,983,342 10,514,893 TransfersGovernmental Activities (300,000) (620,240) (672,355) (600,000)Business-Type Activities 300,000 620,240 672,355 600,000Change in Net PositionGovernmental Activities (1,429,103) (55,064) 2,254,970 855,855Business-Type Activities 1,063,183 1,010,341 2,447,672 2,172,984Total Primary Government Change in Net Position ($365,920) $955,277 $4,702,642 $3,028,839(1) The City reported the impact of GASB Statement No. 75 on expenses beginning in 2018. (2) The City reported the impact of GASB Statement No. 68 on expenses beginning in 2015. (3) Prior to 2014, Kilowatt per Hour Tax was reported as Grants and Entitlements not Restricted to Specific Programs. - S8 -'