b'The Citys initiative towards energy conservation continued.The Electric Field Division installed 306 LEDstreetlightsand90LEDsecuritylights.Thisisanestimatedsavingsof$12,500peryearin electricity. Department Information 2018 was a harsh winter once again for the Street Department.The entire salting season required 1,125 tons of salt, compared to 1,222 in the previous season. Mowing of the Citys right of ways is done by the general services division.There are 50 plus locations throughout the City that are maintained by mowing and weed eating.Mowing is done weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly as required. The leaf season lasted for months due to poor temperatures this year.It started on November 2nd and went well into the new year.Leaves were picked up using our leaf machine and two truck-mounted collection boxes.The loader and dump trucks were used to complete the removal.For the entire process, we used 1,362 man-hours to haul 186 loads of leaves. The City of Dovers mini dump was used primarily as a collection area again this year for the brush, construction materials and cement that we collected.The brush and yard debris were hauled by Bull Country Compost to their facility for a cost of $8,245.This year, in conjunction with a grant through Stark-Tusc-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District, the City continued to operate a compost site that was used immensely by the residents.The street sweeper logged 85 days in 2018; the majority of the sweeping was done on Sunday nights.The painting program continued in 2018 with total supplies for the program consisting of 840 gallons of paint.Over 30 miles of streets were striped, along with 530 parking stalls, 98 crosswalks, and 31 turn bays. The general services division also maintains traffic control devices.There are 29 traffic light systems, 12 four-way flasher/warning flashers, and 8 school speed limit light systems in the City of Dover.With the help of an ODOT grant, the City finalized Phase I of a traffic signalization project.This project consisted of new signals in over half of the City, and had a total cost of almost $2.3 million.Phase II is currently in the planning and application stages.Signs are also a big part of our program.New signs are installed to replace old worn signs and stolen or damaged ones, while others are to keep in compliance with the Ohio Uniform Traffic Code.During 2018, 102 new signs and 33 new posts were installed. Dover City Parks Department continues to be a great asset to the City.The department offers recreational mens,womensandco-edleaguesforsoftball,bocce,volleyballandbasketball.Summeractivities includeyouthbasketball,footballandbaseballcamps,tennis,golf,andswimminglessons.Summer youth baseball and softball continue to be very popular along with the pool and our disc golf course.In 2018, the parks department hosted the Citys annual end of summer celebration, which featured a day of music, a car/motorcycle show, and food.The evening was topped off by an impressive fireworks display, sponsored by Kimble Recycling and Disposal. The City Park is always a busy place in the summer. The department operates two concession stands and is home to a state of the art playground donated in part to the City from a host of sponsors.Our picnic shelters had 95 reservations and the pool was rented 59 times.Memorial Hall is a rental for the City which consists of a dining hall, meeting rooms and a gym.The Parks received $68,710 in rental, camp and league fees throughout 2018.The parks department also is responsible for the shade tree program.In 2018, 162 trees were maintained and 63 trees were removed.The City is proud to be a Tree City USA recipient for 38 consecutive years. - viii -'