b'City of Dover Tuscarawas County, Ohio Notes to the Basic Financial Statements For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 For 2019, there were no limitations or restrictions on any participant withdrawals due to redemption notice periods, liquidity fees, or redemption gates.However, twenty-four hours advance notice is appreciated for deposits and withdrawals of $25 million or more.STAR Ohio reserves the right to limit the transaction to $100 million per day, requiring the excess amount to be transacted the following business day(s), but only to the $100 million limit.All accounts of the participant will be combined for these purposes.Investment procedures are restricted by the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code.Interest is distributed to the general fund, the street maintenance and repair, state highway, cemetery, and revolving loan special revenue funds, the cemetery endowment permanent fund, the community housing improvement program capital projects fund, the cemetery perpetual care trust private-purpose trust fund, and the electric and water enterprise funds.Interest revenue credited to the general fund during 2019 amounted to $286,824 which includes $236,829 assigned from other City funds.Investments with an original maturity of three months or less at the time of purchase and investments of the cash management pool are presented on the financial statements as cash equivalents.The City uses a fiscal agent to hold retainage on construction contracts.The balances in these accounts are presentedonthefinancialstatementsascashandcashequivalentswithfiscalagentsandrepresent deposits.Prepaid ItemsPayments made to vendors for services that will benefit periods beyond December 31, 2019, are recorded as prepaid items using the consumption method by recording a current asset for the prepaid amount at the time of purchase and reflecting the expenditure/expense in the year in which the services are consumed.InventoryInventoriesarepresentedatcostonafirst-in,first-outbasisandareexpended/expensedwhenused.Inventory consists of expendable supplies held for consumption.Restricted AssetsAssets are reported as restricted when limitations on their use change the nature or normal understanding of theavailabilityoftheasset.Suchconstraintsareeitherexternallyimposedbycreditors,contributors, grantors, or laws of other governments, or are imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation.Restrictedassetsinthegeneralfundincludeunclaimedmonies.Restrictedassetsinthemastercapital capitalprojectsfundrepresentsmoneysetasideasretainagepayableonconstructionprojects.Electric customer deposits have also been restricted because the deposit remains the property of the customer.The restricted asset account is balanced by a customer deposits payable liability account.Capital AssetsGeneral capital assets are capital assets which are associated with and generally arise from governmental activities.They generally result from expenditures in the governmental funds.General capital assets are reported in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net position but are not reported in the fund financial statements.Capital assets utilized by the proprietary funds are reported both in the business-type activities column of the government-wide statement of net position and in the respective funds.- 36 36 -'